Frequently Asked Questions

We have provided some answers to the most frequently asked questions about the scrap metal and waste recycling industry.

How much do we pay for scrap metal?

The price of scrap metal fluctuates on a daily basis. The scrap metal prices are updated on the stock market every day, so the price we are willing to pay for your scrap depends on the market price at that given moment. The weight and quality of your metal will also determin the the amount of money you get for your scrap.

How can you get the most money for your scrap?

The best way to make the most from your scrap metal is to sort your metals into their own categories. For example, you can use a magnet to determin whether your metals are ferrous or non-ferrous. Then you can also sort through further through those metals to separate the copper, aluminium and lead into different piles before getting them weighed. You should make sure that your metal has been stripped of any other materials that might be attached. For example, strip your copper wires of any rubber. Remove the plastic or fabric from a metal chair. However, you can leave all the waste material mixed with your metal, but expect a reduced price per tonne.

How much does it cost to tip waste at our site?

This depends on what type of waste you want to dispose of. For example, a load of general rubbish will cost more than a load of house bricks or stone. This is because it will cost us more to recycle the rubbish than it would to recycle bricks and stone. You can call us on 01384 262 730 if you want to discuss pricing or anything elese ragarding waste disposal.

Do we collect scrap metal and other type of waste?

Not everybody has the option to drop off their waste at our site so we do offer a collection service. We are able to collect all types of waste from scrap metal to construction waste. We also offer a logistcs service for metal, aggregates and waste. 

Where are we based?

Our site address is Unit 9, Moor Street Industrial Estate, Brierly Hill, DY5 3ST. We are in a great location which is in the middle of Dudley and Stourbridge.

Have More Questions?

Call Us

01384 262 730

Office Location

9 Moor Street Industrial Estate
Brierly Hill

Open Hours

M-F: 8am – 5pm
Saturday: 8am – 2pm
Sunday: Closed
